
I'm a software developer with experience in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. I'm also exploring AI and machine learning to enhance my skills and stay up-to-date with new technologies.


My Journey

My passion for computers and how they work didn’t begin until the end of my first year at university. At that time, I was naive and had only a vague understanding of programming.

I decided to break free from the ignorance I had carried for a long time. During my preparation for sophomore year, I started my learning journey.

Over the past four years, I’ve picked up various web technologies, frameworks, design practices, and patterns, amassing a vast knowledge of programming. I have built solutions for small businesses, start-ups, and companies.

Above all, my greatest accomplishment was entering the world of problem-solving, which led me to realize that it’s not enough to simply build something; it’s far more important to build something that solves a real problem.


Employment History

2023-10 Current

Frontend Developer

Skite Technologies, Ibadan

  • I work on several apps mainly dedicated to administrative/management operations, using many different technologies and playing several roles.
  • I am involved in most of the company projects, from inception to final delivery, helping gathering requirements, and driving the execution and delivery roadmaps.

Tech Stack: TypeScript, React, VS Code, Sass, Google Cloud Platform

2022-08 2023-04

Frontend Developer

Gigmoni, Lagos

  • Worked as a front-end development engineer, where I focused on building UIs and intergrating APIs using ReactJS and JavaScript
  • It was my first formal job as a software developer and I learnt a lot about Fintech solutions, web development and databases.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, Nodejs, CSS


Some Things I've built


An AI chatbot built using React Native, leveraging both GPT-3.5-turbo and Davinci models from OpenAI for intelligent and responsive conversations.

React Native, NodeJS

Adutem Innovations

Developed a digital marketing agency website, during which I functioned as the fullstack development engineer.

React, NodeJS, MongoDB

Acorn Auto

Developed the Acorn Tire & Auto website, during which I functioned as the fullstack development engineer.

React, NodeJS, MongoDB

Tunik Engineering

Developed the Tunik Engineering Official Website, during which I functioned as the fullstack development engineer.

JavaScript, CSS3


An admin system for creating mutliple choice questionaire. Requires auth access, so please reach out if you need to test.

React, NodeJS, MongoDB


A desktop music player offering all the essential functionalities of a modern music player with an intuitive user interface.

JavaScript, Firebase

Smart Bio-Digester

Developed an API gateway enabling communication between a tracking web application and IoT devices, supporting both RESTful and real-time interactions.

AWS S3, AWS Lambda, NodeJS

Bonsai Price Page

A beautifully crafted pricing page designed for a company called Bonsai, demonstrating clean and intuitive UI practices.

React, JavaScript


Get In Touch

Designed and build by Philip Owolabi